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The Art of Stéphane Roux

Stéphane Roux
Stéphane Roux is a French comic book artist who is known mostly in America for his cover work for Marvel, DC and Semic comics.
Stéphane Roux has worked on such titles as Witchblade: Blood Oath, scripted by Jean-Marc Lofficier, as well as Sibilla (scripted by Jean-Marc Lainé) and Strangers in the Semic pocket and comics publications.
His longest cover assignment was on Birds of Prey (issues #104 to #127) with notable covers on various titles including Countdown to Final Crisis, Savage She-Hulk, X-Men: Worlds Apart, and The Amazing Spider-Man Extra #2.
He has been working on the DC comics series Zatanna , written by Paul Dini, and Star Wars: Agent of the Empire, written by John Ostrander.
He is doing covers, fill-ins and short stories for all the majors comic-book companies.
He did the poster for New York Comic Con 2013.
He recently worked on a Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight story (issue #41) written by Ray Fawkes. He also drew a Batman: Black and White story, written by Paul Dini called "Role Models", in the Batman Black and White issue #3, Jan 2014.
For French TV, he is one of the directors and the artistic director for the France 3 TV animated show Foot 2 rue, and does storyboards, character designs, and artistic direction for animated productions.
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